These 16 Expecting Mothers Really Need To Go Back To Health Class, Because, Wow



Reading through social media posts from these expecting mothers will make you sure of one simple fact: we don’t come anywhere close to having enough funding for education.

These 16 women clearly skipped health class in high school. Their thoughts about conception and pregnancy are beyond comprehension. I can’t even begin to guess just how they came to these conclusions, and I’m not sure I want to know.


1. A favorite she can no longer have.

A favorite she can no longer have.


2. I’m at a loss for words.



3. B-A-B-Y-I-N-G



4. Someone’s in for a surprise.



5. Oh, Sam I Am…what would we do without you?

Oh, Sam I Am...what would we do without you?





7. Good thing the stork exists.

Good thing the stork exists.


8. Proof that our schools need more funding.

Proof that our schools need more funding.


9. Love child.

Love child.


10. Must have eaten his spinach.

Must have eaten his spinach.


11. Wow, that’s unusual.

Wow, that


12. The answer is always 9.

The answer is always 9.


13. Cheater cheater cheater!

Cheater cheater cheater!


14. Are these people real?

Are these people real?


15. Oh, Avatar.

Oh, Avatar.

(via Guff)

I thought pregnancy could be confusing. Learning the breathing, understanding the changes my body would go through, and all the other topics the books cover seem to be quite difficult. But this is beyond ridiculous.